Start working with us
By taking the first steps to get a plan in place, you're showing your love and dedication to your family's future. They deserve the kind of protection, guidance, and love that you can provide for a lifetime.
You have three options for your next step:
Schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation: This will allow you to learn more about us and have a few preliminary questions answered.
Schedule your Family Wealth Planning Session: During the Planning Session, we explore what would happen to your loved ones and assets if something were to happen to you today and the alternatives available for your goals. We will work together to identify your desired outcomes and create a roadmap to implement your plan as seamlessly as possible.
Schedule your Estate Plan Checkup and Review: If you already have an existing plan, this option allows us to assess whether it still adequately serves your family's needs or if there are gaps that must be addressed for complete protection and peace of mind.
This meeting will assist you in organizing your legal and financial life.
Cost of the Family Wealth Planning Session
The Family Wealth Planning Session is valued at $650. Should you choose to move forward during the Planning Session and work with us to design a comprehensive plan, the session fee will be applied to the legal fee for creating or updating your estate plan. In certain circumstances, we may waive the planning session fee, and you can secure your appointment with a credit card number to reserve your dedicated time.
No charges will be applied to your card as long as you keep your appointment as scheduled, complete your pre-session homework, and attend the meeting with your spouse (if married). If you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, we kindly request that you notify us through email 48 hours in advance, allowing us to accommodate other families in need.
Our law firm takes pride in providing exceptional service to families seeking a long-term relationship with their trusted advisor. Our focus is on delivering the highest degree of service to our existing clients, and we limit the number of new clients we see each week.
Preparation for Your Family Wealth Planning Session
After scheduling your appointment, you will receive your Wealth Inventory and other important information. It is crucial that you review and complete these materials before your Personal Family Wealth Planning Session.
Consider the Wealth Inventory as your pre-session "homework." We kindly request that you submit the completed form to our office at least 2 days prior to your Planning Session. This will give us time to review your information thoroughly and provide the most valuable counsel during our time together.
Should you require any assistance or have questions while completing your homework, feel free to reach out to our office at any time.
What to Expect on the Day of Your Family Wealth Planning Session
On the day of your meeting, please plan to spend up to two hours with us.
During our time together, we have two primary goals:
Determine whether there is a good fit between you and our firm.
Educate you about the current state of affairs if something were to happen to you today, empowering you to design a plan that aligns with your preferences.
By examining the potential outcomes under your existing plan, you can identify areas where you desire a different course of action. With our guidance, you can make informed decisions, including choosing your own fee, to ensure that your family stays out of court and avoids conflict during challenging times.
Assuming a good fit between our firm and your family, as well as your identification of specific desired changes to your plan, we can begin designing a customized plan for your family immediately.
Next Steps
Once we have completed the design of your plan, we will review your assets to ensure maximum protection. Approximately one month later, we will schedule your Signing Ceremony, during which you will sign your complete estate plan.
During the Signing Ceremony, we will guide you through the documents, ensuring that your plan is easy to understand. This process ensures that we have accurately captured your wishes and that your loved ones will be in excellent hands with our firm.
Once you sign your estate plan, your assets and your family are protected. However, this is just the beginning of our relationship. For up to 90 days after signing your plan, you can make changes to your planning documents at no additional charge.
In the final meeting of the planning phase, we will verify that all your asset transfers are on track, providing guidance and support as needed.
Life After Receiving Your Estate Planning Binder
After taking your estate planning binder home, the maintenance phase of your plan begins.
At no extra charge, we will review your plan at least every three years, keeping you informed about any changes in the law or other factors that may affect your family and your wealth.
Should you participate in our Family Wealth VIP Membership Program, you will have the opportunity to review your plan annually, along with enjoying additional benefits.
You'll be amazed at how easy and stress-free the entire planning process is for your family. We would love to meet with you for your Family Wealth Planning Session soon.