About our founder

Sonia Munoz Gallagher
Founder, Attorney

Welcome to Family Wealth Law. we are so happy you are here! I created our Firm to help parents, Real Estate investors, and business owners protect what matters to them most; their assets and their loved ones. We help our clients create, protect, and transfer generational wealth.

As your trusted advisor, my goal is to guide you in making the best personal, financial, and legal decisions for you and your family throughout your lifetime. I am here to provide assistance to you and your family not only now but also when you can't be there, ensuring your loved ones receive the guidance they need during challenging times.

By reading this, you've taken a significant step towards your peace of mind and security of your family. We have a wealth of resources available to help you keep your family and loved ones out of court and conflict if unforeseen circumstances arise. You can also learn about little known ways to protect your privacy and Real Estate investments through Land Trusts and LLC entities, access a Probate Calculator, Learn about the Florida Probate Process, and much more. These resources are free as a way we help the community. You can view them here.

 I look forward to working with you to begin protecting the people you love and everything that matters to you most. You can schedule your legal consultation today. 


As a fellow parent of two children and business owner, I understand and share your goal of providing safety, financial stability, and lasting security for our children. During my time working in the Probate Court system with a Probate Court judge, I witnessed firsthand the challenges families face within the legal system. I saw clear as day the hostility and conflict that can occur between siblings as a result of parents not having prepared their estate plan correctly.  Probate court proceedings are typically held in chambers but are public information. I cannot begin to tell you the amount of emotional conflict and even physical aggression that I saw during that time.  All that in the midst of the whole family’s mourning of their loved one.

Through my years of representing immigrants in court, I also saw children be left behind to the government to decide who would take care of them, where they would live, and who would be their guardian.  The experiences I have lived motivated me to empower families with a better approach. There is not enough information out there about Estate Planning. It’s seen by many people as something that is only needed for rich people. That could not be farther from the truth. If you have assets, loved ones, and/or minor children in your life that you want to protect , you have to plan ahead. 

I established Family Wealth Law, LLC to assist parents, real estate investors, and business owners by providing guidance and support to create an estate plan that safeguards their children, preserves their wealth, and leaves a lasting legacy. An opportunity for them to have peace of mind knowing they did right by their family. They are not OK leaving all the decisions to a judge and are not going to expose their family to have to deal with costs and stresses of having to go through court proceedings just to be able to have access to what you have worked so hard to achieve for them. 

You are a busy parent, business owner, or real estate investor… We understand the juggle. 

An Effective Modern Approach to the Practice of Law

We leverage cutting-edge technology and the convenience of virtual meetings to deliver the best possible results for you. Our law firm empowers you by explaining the legal aspects and acting as your trusted legal counselor on this journey. Building lasting relationships with our clients is our priority, and we strive to exceed your expectations by providing an unparalleled experience. We are different from typical law firms. We do not work on hourly billing and focus on flat fees. This way there are no surprises to you, we can deliver the best possible value, and create a long-term partnership that serves both you and your family.

Legal Career Highlights

  • Judicial clerk for Alachua County Probate Court Judge

  • Represented dozens of foreign national families through the USCIS, Customs and Border Patrol (CBP), and Department of Homeland Security removal trials in South Florida to keep their families together

  • Advised foreign national investors through the US Real Estate acquisition process, business purchases, incorporation of new businesses, and contracts

  • Worked in the International Court of the Hague, The Netherlands on the International Convention Against the Abduction of the Child 

  • Co-drafted a bench book on the application of International law on domestic divorces for the National Association of Women Judges in Washington, D.C. 

What I love:

  • My family

  • Empowering Women and Children

  • Meditation and Yoga

  • Traveling

  • Animals (especially my 3 cats!), and

  • Kickboxing!

Tidbits about me: 

  1. I ran with bulls in Pamplona (San Fermin festival in Spain), 

  2. Lived, studied law, and worked in France and The Netherlands,

  3. Home birthed one of my children, 

  4. Homeschooled both my children for 4 years, and

  5. I make my own kombucha